How to purchase utilities in Beijing. Today's lesson is Heat.
1) Wait until November 15 for the government to flip the collective heat switch to the "on" position.
That's right. Only one step to today's lesson because there will be no heat in this apartment until November 15. No heat in this building. No heat in my classroom. No heat in my favorite restaurant around the corner. No heat in public buildings. No. Heat. The last day it was really warm here was the day we visited the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall. Since then, it's been thick socks, gloves, hats and me whimpering under lots of layers of clothing. According to Z's Brookstone travel clock, the temperature inside is bearable. My froze nose and I beg to differ.
But it's not all bad, right? The unofficial population of Beijing has climbed to somewhere between 20 to 22 million people. That means that until the heat is turned on November 15, the city is not burning tens of thousands of tons of coal each day to heat every man, woman, child, and new pet. If outfitting myself in extra layers each day means less pollution and more sunshine to cut through the clouds, then I will do my part to wait out these cooler than cool autumnal days.
There is a lovely electronic board outside our lobby that posts the day's weather forecast. The Celsius scale reports to me in single digits that today it's going to be another refreshingly cold day. Almost as refreshingly cold as my shower this morning. Hey, at least this time I was more prepared. Z and I actually noticed the signs taped inside the elevators and lobby warning us about no hot water until tomorrow morning. If we didn't see those signs I could have been mis-posting now about how I thought our pipes had frozen because of the cold weather.
I realize that there are lots of people in this country that do not have the privilege of living on the 17th floor of a fabulous building, overlooking the skyline, and complaining to the world about how cold they feel. With a little perspective, and an extra scarf, I'm going to cozy up to the sunniest spot in front of my windows and think warm thoughts.
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