01 September 2010

ultimate mix tape

There are three main items to discuss today: 1. my job, 2. my friends 3. my collection of Cd's.

Recently, I left the coolest job I may ever have. I won't go into too many details of my event planning job, but suffice it to say that I have been spoiled. It wasn't a job that was glitzy or that gave me free giveaways. Not that kind of spoiled. I didn't take home sample products or get to expense lavish trips to tropical places. But, yes, I met some famous and important people along the way; I worked in locations that have more history than glamour; and most importantly I learned what it feels like to truly enjoy what I do for a living no matter how long the work day. That is a pretty damn good lesson to learn fresh out of graduate school. Work with people whose company you enjoy (it's easy when your co-workers are fabulous, smart, funny people), learn to listen better, and have a sense of humor each day. I don't play the lottery or gamble, so the chances of me becoming instantly independently wealthy are nil. But if I follow my instincts, then maybe my next job will be just as cool. Maybe.

Recently, I said too many goodbyes to too many good friends whom I won't see for a while. These are the fabulous, smart, funny category of people, too. The kind of friends you work really hard to make and to keep, AND who love you for you even when you are rambling and the story is taking longer than expected and the meter is running on their parking spot and you haven't gotten to the point just yet....you know what I mean. I still measure my years in semesters anyhow, so in order to cope with the time and distance apart, I am pretending that I am going off to college again. Except this time I am going to a vastly larger place than when I was 18, my mother will not be making my bed before she departs from dropping me off, and I will not know exactly how to participate in class (that's a particularly tough one for a communication studies major who talks a lot). But there will be skype and gchat, friends. These things did not exist when I was in college. At least I know who my roommate will be.

To top it all off, recently, I have been copying my collection of Cd's onto my laptop (one of those I'll do it later kind of things when later is actually now; and please don't judge me that I still have not fully transitioned my music to the all-digital all-the-time world). I'm a sentimental lady to begin with, but leaving my (I love my!) job and my (I love my!) friends and family and listening to anything by David Gray, the more mature enlightened Eddie Vedder and a lot of old Sarah McLachlan albums is making me one weepy, sentimental lady. The last few days is playing out in my mind like the final episode of the Real World- Season 1 (props!), with my own musical accompaniment.OK. Just my carry-on to pack now...

goodbye family of colleagues,
see you later best friends,
call you when we get there mom and dad and sis.

My heart is on my sleeve. How do I get it all on to one mix tape?

1 comment:

  1. You make a mixed tape for adventure, because that is what you are going on! The friends, family and great job (whatever your next one may be! I am completely confident you will find it!)will still be here when you return. You are right,it is a bit like college only now you can legally do just about anything and you have an amazing partner to help you document it along the way. I wish you both a whole host of interesting and unforgettable experiences... after all these are the best days of our lives. Love Kristen
